NTS-4000 (NTP/ PTP Time Server)

NTP/PTP IEEE1588 Network Time Server

NTS-4000 delivers time directly to LAN network using NTP PTPv2 IEEE1588 protocols. It is equipped with 2 independent Ethernet 10/100Mbps. The GNSS is a standard UTC reference time. Server is equipped with 2 independent GNSS receiver inputs ANT1 & 2. Therefore it can support independent satellite receivers too. Built-in OCXO oscillator guarantees time for limited medium period of missing GNSS signals. Both ANT1/ANT2 interfaces can be switched to output mode emulating GNSS NMEA signals with PPSout. Server can be synchronized to external clocks using 1PPS, IRIG-B inputs, rs232 (ToD). It also provides ref. output time via 1PPS, IRIG-B, rs232, 10MHz, rs232(SYSPLEX,IRIG).

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