PCI DSS and TokenBRIDGE™ Solution

PCI DSS and TokenBRIDGE™ Solution

Unique tokenization with highest data security standard and high availability

As more and more financial data is both transferred and stored electronically, the communication networks over which it travels and the databases which store it become
an irresistible target for criminals. The spate of announcements detailing the retail and banking community victims of the latest attack are almost routine. In response, the payment industry has struggled to protect the data it has
to manage, with varied success. PCI-DSS is an industry standard which attempts to articulate best practices for how merchants, processors and financial institutions should protect their cardholder data.

When people consider how to protect the data with which their organizations are entrusted, many think of encryption. But encryption just transfers the potential risk from the data
itself to the keys encrypting the data, and the complexities of effective key management tax the skills and expertise of many entities struggling to implement cryptographically
correct and cost-effective data protection. TokenBRIDGE licensed on the KeyBRIDGE appliance, implements a secure, easyto-manage Token Vault, the core of any tokenization solution. 

This white paper provides both a high-level description of tokenization, and why the TokenBRIDGE appliance is an ideal solution to the Token Vault requirement and how it assists in achieving PCI DSS compliance.

PCS DSS and TokenBRIDGE Solution

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